Greetings and Good Morning! Happy Monday folks!
Thanksgiving is almost here! This year flew by, are you ready? Have you started your holiday shopping? Have you picked up the items on your grocery list for the perfect Thanksgiving dinner? Yeah, neither have I, LOL! I only have my turkey, but trust me I will be ready soon! This week is a time for food and being thankful; and I'm excited to know that everyone will be celebrating Thanksgiving with their families! I'm so excited to cook! I love cooking for Thanksgiving, and I have my staples! This year I'm looking forward to being at home with my husband and son! It's such a wonderful and joyous time of year! With that said, I thought that I'd share my Thanksgiving message from last year because, of its relevance. If you're reading this blog post today, think of your life, and say, "Thank you!" You're still here on earth, and you have a life to be thankful for. So without further delay, let's dive into this week's message!

Once again the holiday season is amongst us, and I've been thinking and reflecting on the state of the world. I've been reflecting on my life, and the people within it and in my "orbit". This time of year, is the perfect time to check one's self, and their surroundings. I'm thankful for my ability to self-evaluate. For me, I know I'm not perfect; I'm not afraid to admit it; and I have a lot to work on; but that's a self-awareness that I recognize; and I'll fix those shortcomings. As I reflect, one of the things that I've been grappling with is, the difficulty to reconcile one's ability to be thankful at a "micro" level, when there's so much turmoil in the world at a "macro" level. In other words, being "thankful" within our immediate vicinity and families, and that's ok, but, disregarding the turmoil, that exists outside of our own worlds, especially, when we look at those that are partly responsible for that turmoil. I think about the political landscape especially, and it's so negative. I wonder how politicians sleep at night and ultimately "give thanks" on one of the most giving holidays of the year, when many of their ideologies and policies affect so many Americans. It seems like the two feelings are at odds. But, I digress. One thing that I can do, is be thankful for my place, and do what I can for others. For that I can be thankful, and for you reading this post.
When the turkey, and the stuffing, and all of the trimmings is done, be thankful that you have your place with your family. This year, so many Californians have lost their homes recently in the forest fires, many innocent people have lost their lives to ridiculous crimes, many Americans are homeless or are one paycheck from homelessness, have lost love ones unexpectedly, some have no health insurance, many have an income that is deplorable, and yet they still give thanks. I've seen in so many cases where people experience devastation that would break the spirit of the average person, but there is something that people that are thankful have, and that is faith. They believe in something that is greater than themselves. They don't worry about the materialistic things, and the things that's beyond their control because, they know everything will be better, if they can just have the faith of a mustard seed. I've mentioned in previous posts, that we all have our destined paths of travel to go through, but in your trials of tribulation, will you be thankful. Can you give thanks when you lose everything that you've worked your entire life for? Can you give thanks when all of your mementos and possessions are gone? Can you look at God and say, "thank you" when you've just lost your child, spouse, or loved one? Can you? When all you have is the clothes on your back and your faith, will you be thankful for the trial, for the test of your faithfulness. That is a strength that even the strongest of men and women, have to dig deep to discover, and we may never know if, we can make it to the other side until we're faced with it. I hope that you never do, but it's good in times like this to reflect on, what if. You have to reflect on those things which challenge our humanity; practice your faithfulness and give thanks. Give thanks for where you stand right now and today!

As I close, I wish you all of the best to this year's holiday season! Many blessings to you and Happy Thanksgiving, for I am so thankful for you! This year has been an incredible blessing and I hope that it has been for you as well. As I leave you this morning, be faithful and thankful! Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Peace and Happy #MondayMotivation!#HappyThanksgiving
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