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WHY "Social distancing" is "m.a.i." new normal?


Updated: Mar 30, 2020

Greetings and Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Monday!

Wow! So much has happened since we began 2020! I don't know about you, but I feel like we've had at least 5 years of events happen in the first 2 months of this year! Since December, with the increasing spread of the #Coronavirus a.k.a. #COVID-19 a.k.a. 'Rona has turned what seemed to be a virus only affecting Asian countries, to much more serious matter rapidly spreading across the world and is now considered a pandemic. This week alone, the global markets went ballistic, schools across this country has begun closing, employers are advising their workforce to work from home for the next 30 days, and the American healthcare system scrambles to get the spread of this virus under control. With everything that has transpired the new term, "Social Distancing" has emerged is quickly becoming our "new normal". Social distancing is a public health safety intervention used to reduce the likelihood of transmitting communicable disease. Social distancing involves minimizing exposure to infected individuals by avoiding large public gathering venues, adhering to spacing requirements in the workplace, and following proper personal hygiene practices. Please familiarize yourself with the Centers for Disease Control issued guidelines for "community mitigation strategies" on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, through social distancing. Although, this is a difficult and trying time, it is also a time where social distancing can offer an opportunity for us all to focus on ourselves. This week, I wanted to take a few minutes to discuss how I plan to use social distancing during this time, to refocus and let it motivate and inspire my new normal life!

Article: "What it really means to practice social distancing" by Maria Scinto

#COVID19 is disrupting our lives as we know it, and then I think to myself that we are living through a "zombie apocalypse" without the zombies. However, if this virus mutates and start waking the dead, we as humans, will be in a real pickle! I've never experienced "panic buying" to this magnitude. Sure, I've experienced ridiculously large crowds on "Black Friday" or when a new Apple iPhone is released, or even the long lines for bread and milk when a huge snow storm or hurricane is slated to hit, but never have I ever been in a situation like this. NO TOILET PAPER! Come on people, LOL! I'm laughing to keep from crying, LOL! How does one stay positive, and not panic? How do we keep ourselves and loved ones safe but also stay in good spirits trusting that something will be done? As we live and work through this pandemic, I have to believe that everything will get better. I also believe, this is the perfect time to get back to old school traditions that we've abandoned as a society, such as, spending more time with family at home and making home cooked meals.

Social distancing is our new normal! I know that I will soon have "cabin fever", and so will the rest of the world! But, before that happens I will need to focus on the things that are super important that I've neglected, or put on the back burner. In October 2019, I returned to the workforce after establishing Creative Calfuray, and freelancing for 1.5 yrs. After returning to work, my daily workout regimen took a backseat to my demanding commute to downtown D.C. I lost the time in the morning that I would devote to working out, to 1.5-2 hrs of commuting to work. With that said, now that I will be working from home for the next 30 days, I plan to jump start my workout regimen again. I can get up early again, workout, and have a better day and prepared for work physically and mentally. Now that I don't have to get up before the rooster's crow of dawn to fight traffic like "commuter superhero" to get to work, I can focus on my personal health goals again. I also want to get back to cooking healthier meals for myself and my family. I'm guilty to falling back into old habits over the last 6 months, and my eating habits are deplorable. They are not the worst that it's been over my lifetime, but I did a lot of work to do better, eat better, and live better and with 6 months of working, I feel like I've let all that I work so hard for go by the wayside. Not anymore! I will get back on track over the next 30 days! There's no excuse! I want to spend more time reading and connecting with my son. I'm delighted to say that we started that before this happened, and I'm proud of that. I want my family unit to be stronger. I will slowdown and take the time that's robbed of me because, of the "hustle and bustle" of life to just be still and be with them fully present. Finally, the last item is around my writing. I need to be more disciplined around my writing, and building new entrepreneurial opportunities for Creative Calfuray to be successful. I want to return to my commitment of writing at least 2,500 words a day until I complete my third and final novel in The Purple Charm Series. So, if social distancing is how I'm able to get all of this completed, so be it! How will you use this time to reclaim the things that was slipping away from your life? Recommit to yourself. Don't see "social distancing" as a negative, use it as a motivator and opportunity to get things in your life done!

In closing, be safe and take care of yourselves and your loved ones. Stay healthy and use the recommendations of the CDC to avoid contracting the Coronavirus, and/or transmitting the virus. This is a trying and difficult time for us all. I pray for each of you. May you use this time to recommit to your goals, and may new opportunities emerge for success for you through social distancing! There is a silver lining in all of this and that is, we can do better and be better individuals if we are willing. Maybe we won't get over it quickly, but if we focus on what we need to do to stay healthy, and help each other along the way; we all will be better off for it. Good luck over the next 30 days!

Peace, love, and continued blessings for God's protection over us all! Amen.

Thank you for reading my blog this morning. Hey, do me a favor, if you like or love this post, comment on it. I’d love to hear your feedback. Also, please feel free to share it with your family and friends in the social media universe. I greatly appreciate the support.

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