Greetings and Good Monday Morning Everyone!
Today, I wanted to write about something fun! Happy Monday, everyone! I hope all is well and that you're having an amazing day! I was inspired to write about "style". As I write this, I'm listening to a track called, 'Style', by my favorite, yes, you guessed it, Prince! While I rock my, Prince 1999, t-shirt and khakis. When I think about it, style has nothing to do with what you wear, but has everything to do with the content of your character. It is about the person that you are underneath the clothes. I want to tie this thought to my friends and family in Boston, MA because, not only are they 'Boston Strong', but the content of their character has #Style. This week, has so many life lessons, but in it so let's jump into this one so that I can explain myself.
This past week was tough. I've had coworkers lose loved ones recently, and I've learned of hardships that individuals I know within my own circle has been dealing with. If you know me, you know, that Boston is my second home. With that said, I have a handful of family members (by marriage) in the city, but a "slew" of friends that have become extended family members. Recently, I learned that one of my line dance sisters is experiencing some health challenges. As I listened to this song by Prince, I just realized that when he says, "style is not thinking about style and that it's like a second cousin to class", how deep the analogy is. When he runs down "style" and what style is, ultimately, you'll understand that it's about who you are and what's in your heart. The people that I know and love from Boston have the kind of style that Prince speaks of. It's a selflessness. It's not about the clothes or material things you have or own. It's how you carry yourself. It's how you do and handle your business. It took me at least two years to finally put "pen to paper" on this thought. This post has been in draft mode for all of that time because, I needed the right moment to discuss this. Today was that day. Sometimes we need time to experience life in order to catch up with the messages that we already have in our hearts and minds. God had placed the message on my heart two years ago, but I didn't have the life experiences, or maybe it was the moment to pinpoint the message to my experiences when I initially wanted to write this. My Boston family, have "style" because, they know the value of family and friendship. I've had tears of joy "coming home" to Boston. Style is the simplest things in life, or the most impactful, like Prince says, "style is like puppy breath or a peaceful non-violent march." The way in which my friends will rally around to support one another is heart wrenching and inspiring. I love them. My blood bleeds a little "Carolina Blue" and a whole lot of "Green Monstah" Green.
In closing, I guess the moral and the message of this week's blog post is, value your style and the people that you love. Let it be your most prominent "accessory." I hope that post add a little love and light to your day. We are not promised tomorrow, so take care of yourselves, #Maskup, be safe, and take care of each other.
The Purple Charm Experience Podcast
By the way check out my podcast, "The Purple Charm Experience", where we dive into my thoughts and heart. Through this podcast I share interesting details about my stories, background information on how I develop the stories, cool happenings with my M.A.I. Brand and business Creative Calfuray, and more!
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Charmyra E. Fleming is a romance author with a deep desire to M.OTIVATE | A.SPIRE | I.NSPIRE, her readers and beyond to live their lives with purpose, intention, and full of passion. She is the author of The Violet Rose and Three's a Charm romance novels. Thank you for reading her blog post this morning. Hey, do her a favor, if you like or love this post, comment on it. She'd love to hear your feedback. Also, please feel free to share it with your family and friends in the social media universe. Your support is greatly appreciated!
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