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"M.A.I. New groove & attitude for 2021 is a whole vibe to exude!"

Greetings and Good Morning,

As we kick off the final week of 2020, I would like to begin by saying; I hope and pray that each every of you that read this post had a beautiful and joyous Christmas holiday. This week, will mark the end of the most tumultuous, challenging, and hardest years that personally, I've ever had to endure. Although, we still have rough road ahead, I'm so happy that we can close the door on this crazy year. When we begin to think about what we want for our lives going forward into the new year, we should think about the things that we didn't expect this year, and remember to put measures in place to assist us when life takes a turn that we least expected. So, without delay let's get into this week's message.

As we prepare for the new year, it became clear to me that 2021, for me, will be a year of planning and making sure that in the event that we have another "2020" situation, I will be prepared. This is the "new groove and new attitude that we should exude in 2021." We should be prepared, and we must be organized and properly plan for our present and future. The main area that sticks out to me is our finances. Our finances should be organized, and bills paid on time. If you're able to make advance payments do so, and make sure that you are ok, in the event that you need to "miss" a payment in an emergency situation. Save as much as you can and where you can. During 2020, the strain that pandemic placed on American families the most was probably on their finances. Many lost their jobs, homes, and life-savings. In 2021, if we can, I think that we must prepare ourselves financially for a disastrous event, such as, a pandemic. If there is one important message that has been made boldly clear during 2020, and it is life is truly short and none of us is promised tomorrow. Moreover, try to experience the things in life that you've been putting off, especially, if you've intended to do those things with special people in your life. Remember to appreciate your surroundings. There's beauty right in your "back yard" if you look close enough. You don't have to travel to a far and distant land to experience a wonderful time away from home.

Now that you realize the importance of good financial health in a difficult situation, experience life where you are and making the most of it in the moment; next you have to be mindful of your energy and vibe. I'm big on energy, and vibes. I think when we maintain a positive energy and vibe, everything else will fall into place. When your energy matches your mindset, you can speak yourself into having the life you deserve to lead. That's what I want you take away from this post, that despite everything that you've been through; you're still here. 2020 was hard on us all, and it kicked our royal behinds, but we're still here. Keeping our heads held high, and organizing, planning, and preparing for difficult situations should 2021 turns out to be just as challenging as 2020. Enjoy the rest of your week, and have a wonderful and exciting New Year!

Charmyra E. Fleming is a romance author with a deep desire to M.OTIVATE | A.SPIRE | I.NSPIRE, her readers and beyond to live their lives with purpose, intention, and full of passion. Thank you for reading her blog post this morning. Hey, do her a favor, if you like or love this post, comment on it. She'd love to hear your feedback. Also, please feel free to share it with your family and friends in the social media universe. Your support is greatly appreciated!

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