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"M.A.I." End of Summer Reading List!


Well, well, well, hello there! Happy "Friday Eve!" I hope that you're enjoying this lovely Thursday afternoon. I know, I know, it's been a while since I've shared a book that I've read or am currently reading. So, I thought that I'd do just that today. I want to give you four of my picks for books that I love! Even though its slowly coming to an end, we all know, Summer is the perfect time to pick up a great book and just escape into an alternate world.

For the past two years, I've had the wonderful opportunity to kick off my summer with an annual family vacation at the Outer Banks (affectionately known as, OBX by all whom vacation there). In years past, I've posted a number of photos while I was there, but this year I thought I'd remind you about an incredibly spicy book that I read while on vacation last year (Summer 2019), and a few books that picked up this summer while in #COVID19 #Quarantine. The book that I'm starting with is one is an oldie, but goodie! With that said, let's dive right in!

Secrets of A Housewife

by J. Tremble

If you've never heard of this series of romance novels by author, J. Tremble, you have to check them out. I was introduced to this author's books by a cousin that stated that his books were "out of this world!" As the curious individual that I am, of course, I was intrigued. I purchased the book, Secrets of a Housewife, about a year ago, but I really haven't had a lot of time to read it with all of my writing endeavors. However, while planning for vacation this year I decided that I would read this book. I'd already started it months ago, so I essentially, just picked up where I left off. I was immediately sucked in. The story begins with a married man named, "Tarron" that is currently "waist deep" having an affair, and I mean that literally, with a woman named, Victoria. Tarron is living a double life. Unhappily married to his wife, "Secret", but lusting and wanting to leave his wife for his mistress, "Victoria." While you're developing your feelings about him, you realize that his wife isn't as innocent as she seems. The roller coaster of a ride the storyline embarks on is guaranteed to give you whiplash! There's so many twists and turns, in addition to a lot of steamy love scenes. I truly enjoyed reading this book. I definitely experienced a series of emotions that ranged from happy to sad, to angry and indifferent. If you're looking for a great book to read by an Essence Magazine Best-Selling author, I highly recommend this book.

The House Girl

by Tara Conklin

This book is a sensational semi-period piece. It follows a young junior Attorney named, Lina Sparrow whose determined to find a lead plaintiff to effective establish a case for (in my opinion) reparations for the families of former slaves. This story takes place in modern day New York City and 1852 Virginia. This story was wonderful to read the way in which the author was constantly pushing you, the reader, to ask questions about what happened to a slave in particular named, Josephine. It felt like I was reading a mystery that was unfolding beautifully right before my eyes. This is a fantastic story that plants you right in the center of the action with historical depth, relevance, the desire and drive for justice, and love. I love this book, and I highly recommend it for your reading pleasure.


by Margaret Walker

This story immerses you in antebellum America, and its storytelling is so vivid. I connected with the main character, "Vyry", a slave that is the product of a white slave master and his mistress. It was very interesting to read a story like this in the midst of our social climate in America. However, I've truly enjoyed this read and going through the hardships of slave life prior to the Civil War. In addition to reading how this story unfolds as the Civil War is fought, and how the slaves and their owners navigate their various lives. Although very different, it gives life during that time an eye-opening account and perspective from the vantage point of a slave. It is based on a true story and therefore , for me, it gave me a deeper connection to the slaves and how they overcame adversity during such a tremendously devastating and important time in American history.

Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff

Finally, I want to encourage you to pick up this gem. Frankly, I wish that I'd known about this book sooner! I literally began watching the tv show on HBO first, and when I found out that this was a book, I immediately ordered it, so that I could begin reading it. I hope to read and finish the book before end of the season, but although I just started the book, I love that the show is aligned with the book. I also love the creepiness of the unseen monsters that we tell ourselves that are not "real", and the visible monsters upholding white supremacy that we know is real, and a threat to our very existence. It's scary because, it made me realize that although African-Americans can move a little more "freely" when you compare Jim Crow America to Contemporary America, one could argue although there has been great progress, there has also been a lot that has remained the same. One prime example is the discussion that "Sundown Towns" still exist in America. With that said, Jim Crow has evolved to a more sophisticated version of itself, now known as, "James Crow, Esquire." I appreciate the author, a white man, being able to tell this story with an authentic account of the "Black Experience" in a Jim Crow America. Moreover, it's satisfying to see it unfold on screen by a stellar cast of Black actors, many that I've loved and respected their body of work for a long time! I highly suggest that you pick up this book! I honestly believe that reading the book first, always give the story a very different perspective when you see it on screen!

Finally, a little ditty that I found cool is that the author is super nice! I tweeted him after listening to his on air interview with host Karen Hunter, of the Karen Hunter Show, on SiriusXM Urban View, and he tweeted me back! Now that was super cool!

Well, there you have it! My reading suggestions for the end of summer! I hope that you appreciate my picks. Although, I had a spicy read to kick off the list, many of my picks have similar themes of slavery and the "Jim Crow" era. Recently, I have been drawn to books with these underlying themes because, of how America is currently experiencing such polarizing views and discussions as it relates to race relations, the historical references to slavery and its underpinning effects to modern life in the 21st Century, and really look to these stories to gain some insight into what life was like during that time to parallel how to navigate through life today!

Happy End of Summer Reading! I'll be back with another soon! Oh and if you're looking for even more opportunities to read pick up my books from The Purple Charm Series! Click here to get your copy, and learn more about my work by subscribing to join my email list!

Charmyra E. Fleming is a romance author with a deep desire to M.OTIVATE | A.SPIRE | I.NSPIRE, her readers and beyond to live their lives with purpose, intention, and full of passion. Thank you for reading her blog post this morning. Hey, do her a favor, if you like or love this post, comment on it. She'd love to hear your feedback. Also, please feel free to share it with your family and friends in the social media universe. Your support is greatly appreciated!

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