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... And That's A Wrap! Preptober for #NaNoWriMo is Over!


Greetings and Good Monday Morning Everyone!

I hope that you've had a wonderful weekend, and that your day is off to a fabulous start. I'm excited because, I feel that this weekend was very productive for me and every weekend in October for me has been super productive. This past weekend, has been the lead up to my 41st birthday, and I've spent this entire month preparing to write for National Novel Writing Month. During the month of November, I have set a goal to write 50,000 words, in an effort to complete my fourth romance novel in The Purple Charm Series. In addition to my preparation, I've been able to watch some binge-worthy television shows over the course of Preptober, and all of it has inspired my creativity. As such, I'm delighted to share a few of my lessons learned and strategies that's helped me during Preptober, just in case, you're prepping to tackle your goals in the near future. So without further delay, let's dive into this week's message!

Identify Your Goals & Intentions

Always start here because, it is important to know what the goal is and how to set your intentions. It's more than saying I need to complete this task or that task. Setting your intentions means that you're going to commit yourself to complete whatever goal is. When we don't accomplish what we set out to do, typically, it is because of a lack of commitment. I've been very happy with the way this month's Preptober has gone for #NaNoWriMo because, I've been committed to making sure that November is a successful month for me to create the manuscript for my fourth novel. You can too in whatever you do. Identify your goals and commit to your intentions.

Block Off Time in Your Schedule

Next, you have to be realistic about your time and your schedule. We all have busy lives. There isn't a person I know that doesn't have a lot going on, even in the midst of a pandemic. This is so ironic because, early on in the pandemic we could find some time to do things that we put off. However, as we've learned to "work around" certain restrictions and setbacks brought on by the pandemic, ironically we've found new ways to get things done. Pre-Covid we still needed to find time to get things done, and that's even more important now. So when you have pressing goals you need to be clear about the time you need to get the tasks related to your goals done. During Preptober, each weekend on Saturday mornings I began with writing, typically starting my writing block around 8am. On Sundays, as soon as, I'd awake typically 8-9 am, I would first work on my blog, and then story work. Each week in October I had a different focus as well, such as, plotting my novel and character development. So remember to block off time for yourself to focus, add to your schedule, and manage your time well. When you do so, there is no way you can't be successful at accomplishing your goal.

Be Consistent & Execute

Now that you've identified your goal(s), committed to them by setting your intentions, set up your schedule, finally, you must execute and be consistent. Being able to effectively execute with consistency takes dedication and devotion on your part. It's going to be difficult, it will challenge you to show up for yourself on a consistent basis because, and sometimes, quite honestly, you will not want to do it. Sometimes, you'll want to chill out or just give up, but giving up is not an option. This month, I feel like I was very consistent in executing during Preptober. I'm committed to the bigger goal, and that's to make sure that when I begin writing for NaNoWriMo that I finish November strong and with 50,000 words written. Go after your goals with dedicated consistency and you'll see the positive results from applied execution.

I hope that you will have a wonderful week, and that you've enjoyed this blog post this morning. Good luck to you and accomplishing your goals.

Charmyra E. Fleming is a romance author with a deep desire to M.OTIVATE | A.SPIRE | I.NSPIRE, her readers and beyond to live their lives with purpose, intention, and full of passion. Thank you for reading her blog post this morning. Hey, do her a favor, if you like or love this post, comment on it. She'd love to hear your feedback. Also, please feel free to share it with your family and friends in the social media universe. Your support is greatly appreciated!

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