Greetings and Good Morning!☀️😃
Happy Monday! I wanted to come to you this morning about getting a "M.A.I." frame of mind. When my Boston family (Line Dance Family), specifically, my instructor, "Coach Murry" began calling me, "Mai" three years ago, I never would've thought that it would morph into something bigger. I build a brand within around this name because, there's so much more in this name! Having a "M.A.I." mentality means, being able to "Motivate.Aspire.Inspire." greatness. This is the message behind "M.A.I." brand by Creative Calfuray, and everything that I do as a writer. So without further delay, let's jump into this week's message!
If you're planning to step into 2019, and experience the kind of growth that makes a difference, you'll need to be ready change what you're doing today. At the beginning of 2018, I knew there were things that I wanted to do, and quite honestly, I began practicing "M.A.I." before I even had a name for it. But, today, when I think about, "M.A.I." level, I think about doing more and going over and beyond. It means, pushing past your comfort zone, and become a better you! So, how does "M.A.I." speak to you?
First and foremost, before you can motivate others, you, yourself have to be motivated. You have to have positive mindset, it's imperative! You attract what you think, and your ability to motivate starts in your mind. Ask yourself, what are your current goals? Are you mentally focused? What gives you purpose? Are you consistently updating your list of objectives to keep you motivated to accomplishing those goals? If you can answer, yes, to most or all of those questions, then you're on the path to greatness! Living your life in this way, allows others to look at you and see the good in you, and therefore, it motivates them to do the same. Being motivated to your own purpose, also motivates others to see their purpose and pushes them to make changes to be great as well.
Next, up is "aspiration", and to "aspire" to be something is very important. When we are children, we have all kinds of aspirations. We dream of being so many things, but as we get older, some of us lose that drive to keep wanting "to be", and do more within our live. If you want to aspire to be different in 2019, you have to change your mindset. You have to keep pushing yourself to want more. As we were told when we were younger, "you can be anything that you want to be", that philosophy still rings true as you become an adult. Never lose your desire to aspire. In 2019, what do aspire to do differently or who do you aspire to become?
Finally, when you're motivated and aspire to be great, now you're able to truly influence others to be great as well! This is when you're able to inspire others, and it's contagious! People love to see individuals they admire, win! Seeing someone that they look up to, motivates them to do better; allows them to aspire to become the person they've always wanted to be; and then they, themselves become an inspiration to someone else. It's a chain reaction. It's amazing! Now, ask yourself, what's your inspiration and are your actions inspiring others? If so, great! If not, check what's motivating you, and what are your aspirations!
Today, I want to encourage you to get on "M.A.I." level! This is more than a brand for me, it has become "M.A.I." lifestyle.
It should be your lifestyle as well. So come on, "get on 'M.A.I.' level."
Peace and Happy #MondayMotivation!
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