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Writer's pictureCHARMYRA E. FLEMING

Inspiration Is Everywhere

"Sometimes you can find a little inspiration in the most uncanny places..."

On Saturday, I had the pleasure of speaking to a long time friend, and we were laughing about some music that I'd made. My head has been "in the clouds" since registering my business and launching my website, and so my creative flow has been on "hold" for the past few days. However, when my friend said, "Girl, I need you to make me some theme music! Who knew that you could do all of this?" I took that as an a challenge and opportunity to, "show up and show out". I wanted to see what I could come up with on the fly. Well, "low and behold", I surprised myself because I came up with one cool track.

"Mai Monday Motivational" message for today is to find your inspiration anywhere, or better yet let it find you. When you're in your "overflow" it will come in the most unlikely places. Who knew a conversation with a friend would inspire me to make a song just because, she asked me to? Be open to let it just be.

Happy Monday and Be Blessed!

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