Greetings and Good #MotivationMonday!
This morning I'm inspired to write something that feels good, and puts good energy out into this world because lets face it we need it. Last week, I was disappointed in the WW3 memes, and saddened by the recent events with the drone strikes in Iran. Secondly, at the end of 2019, I joined the Romance Writers of America organization, and I've been disheartened by the drama that's been unfolding in recent weeks. However, on Sunday morning, my inspiration was renewed. I was watching this week's edition of 'Sunday Morning' on CBS, and one particular segment was about country singer, Tanya Tucker. During her interview, she said some things that spoke to my heart, and this week I would like to discuss it. So without further delay, lets dive into this week's message.
This past week, as I wrapped up my Christmas vacation, I grappled with the troubles of the world, and what's been surfacing in the news, on social media, and my connection to it. I took pride in staying disconnected from social media during the holidays, and for good reason. As soon as, I "plugged" back in, my energy suffered. I have to be and remain intentional about what I let into my space, and what I consume. I was so frustrated by everything that I saw. So I'm vowing to put out good content, meaningful content, and the moment I feel that I can't do that; I will shut my pages down. It's not worth compromising my integrity and giving access to my energy for likes or views. With that said, Tanya Tucker said something that stuck with me that I would like to share. She stated her father used to say to her, "You know how to change the world? You build your platform so high, until you can't build it any higher, you can't get any higher; and that's when you can change the world because, people will listen to you...I don't want to be another female on this planet, I want to change a lot of things." I feel like most people have great intentions, but if more of us moved and operated in the place and space to make changes in the world we would be better off. We are all building our platforms, uploading and putting out content everyday. My charge to us all is to build platforms that change the world, not bring it down; that lifts us up, and not tear each other down. I'm still building my platform, I don't take this space and my ability to speak for granted, in fact, ever since I started taking my writing seriously I realized the impact of my words and actions. The potential to cause harm, to offend, and to be negative is great, and therefore, my personal life and opinions are that of my own and censored. However, the information and my work as a creative and writer is always created with the intention to be an inspiration to anyone that sees it. As we move forward, lets all do our part to build solid platforms that is so high that when people listen, it moves them more to M.otivate, A.spire, I.nspire others, and to be mindful to keep putting positivity out into the world.
Have an amazing week and thank you for your time!
Peace and Happy #MondayMotivation
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