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Writer's pictureCHARMYRA E. FLEMING

"M.A.I." Cause: Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness

Greetings and Good Morning,

It's October! The month of autumn, ushers in cozy snuggle weather, warm marshmallow cocoa, greating reading material, and, yes, you guessed it #BreastCancerAwareness. For some reason, this year, I have a vested interest in supporting the fight against breast cancer. Of course, like many of you, I've supported various fundraising events to raise money for Susan G. Komen Foundation in the past. This year, I just wanted to make sure that I made it a priority. Especially, as an African-American woman, and the fact that I'll be entering a new phase of my life, I'm becoming more and more cognizant of the potential risk factors. So, without further delay dive into this weeks message.

“Every woman needs to know the facts. And the fact is, when it comes to breast cancer, every woman is at risk.” – Debbie Wasserman Schultz

The quote above says it all. "Every woman is at risk." As women, particularly, African-American women breast cancer is something that we all need to be in support of fighting against. According to U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics, "about 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. In women under 45, breast cancer is more common in Black women than white women. Overall, Black women are more likely to die of breast cancer. For Asian, Hispanic, and Native-American women, the risk of developing and dying from breast cancer is lower. Ashkenazi Jewish women have a higher risk of breast cancer because of a higher rate of BRCA mutations." ( With breast cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer in African-American women, it is important for us to know and understand the risk factors, and how it affects us. So, take the time to support the cause. We all know someone, whether it's a family member or friend that has fought and battled against this disease. Some have won and many we have lost, but the fierceness of their fight is not forgotten. That's why this year, in the midst of fighting #COVID-19 and living through a pandemic, I feel we're all more vulnerable to the affects of this disease. I think about the women, family and friends that are survivors having to be mindful of coronavirus, and how it can affect them, as it relates to breast cancer. Coronavirus compromises our immune systems to the point where we can't take any chances, and those of us that have been affected by cancer, of any kind, but particularly breast cancer must be careful! This year, I decided to act on my feelings to help, and donate to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, and it feels so good to be giving to a cause that I believe in. The last time I participated in a Susan G. Komen event was years ago when I lived in Boston, MA. I actually volunteered to help the runners during the walk. That was an awesome time then, but this is now! So, I wanted to think about how I can be a contributor now. I know that it's so difficult, and times are really tough for everyone, but we can still look out for each other. I know, if I were ever to develop this dreadful disease, that I would want some willing to do it for me. So, do you have it in your heart to give and be apart of the fight? I hope that you do!

Creative Calfuray Joins the Fight!

Now, that I have Creative Calfuray, I wanted to take it a step further to advance the message! So, I've also created Creative Calfuray branded t-shirts and hoodies, with breast cancer messages in honor of breast cancer awareness. I did this with the expectation and commitment of 10% of each t-shirt and hoodie sold to support the fight against breast cancer. In addition, if you're a #winelover like me, you can support #ONEHope wines, and each bottle of wine sold 10% will go to fund clinical trials for breast cancer (Click here to order your bottle). If you're reading this post today, I want to encourage you to take action! Join the fight, and join me let's do this!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog today! I've had this message on my heart and I needed to share. I hope for the best, and with us all working together maybe we can cure breast cancer! Peace and Blessings!🎀

Check out "M.A.I." Breast Cancer Awareness Gear...Click Here!

Charmyra E. Fleming is a romance author with a deep desire to M.OTIVATE | A.SPIRE | I.NSPIRE, her readers and beyond to live their lives with purpose, intention, and full of passion. She is the author of The Violet Rose and Three's a Charm romance novels. Thank you for reading her blog post this morning. Hey, do her a favor, if you like or love this post, comment on it. She'd love to hear your feedback. Also, please feel free to share it with your family and friends in the social media universe. Your support is greatly appreciated!

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