Greetings and Good Afternoon Everyone!☀️😃 Happy Monday! This afternoon, I'm on cloud nine and coming down from a very awesome week with one of my best friends in Miami, Fl to closing the weekend out; with another best friend here in the DMV area. Today, I wanted to revisit the concept of friendship. When we think about the people we call friends, would you agree, the truest of friends to us should feel more like family? Moreover, I want to shed light on the people that take advantage of your energy and kindness; the ones we sometimes give more credit than they deserve; and constantly letting us down; causing you to take a number of heartaches and setbacks before you can finally refer to them as an "associate". This week's motivational message is to encourage you to think of the people in your circle more closely, and to evaluate whether you've been a friend or an associate. The purpose of this post, is to challenge you to make sure you're establishing and maintaining genuine connections with people. So without further delay, let's dive in!
In my life, I can truly say that, I've been loyal to the people that I care about. I'm not saying this to be facetious, sarcastic or to "toot my own horn". I've truly supported my friends' endeavors in anyway that I possibly can, and I pride myself on my close friendships. I typically go out of my way to let my friends know that they are special to me, and my
closest friends are more like sisters to me. Do you ever feel that way? When you have true friends they celebrate your wins, and when they accomplish their goals you're able to return the favor! I've been fortunate to support many of my dear friends in this way! This past week, one of my best friends and biggest supporters, of my book, my brand, and my merchandise, celebrated a major accomplishment in her life! I had the sincere pleasure of watching her graduate from the University of Miami with her M.B.A. Seeing her reach this goal, brought me so much joy because, I was there for her the entire two years rooting her on to this moment! I knew what this meant to her, and I know what it will mean for her future! Anytime she needed me I was there because, that's what friends are for! That's what true friends do! I felt like a proud parent on her graduation day!
Fast forward to the weekend, my best friend from Boston recently lost a family member, and to lift her spirits she came down to the DMV to visit after being with her family. To extend my condolences, I gave her a card letting her know that I'm always here if and when she needs me. To help her quickly let go of the feelings of grief, we went of out and celebrated life by line dancing.
How many people are you truly loyal to and a true friend without expecting something in return for your friendship? Just being there for someone, especially, when they've been let down by others that they care for can mean all the world to them. Being a genuine person that they can trust and rely on is the meaning of being a true friend.
I have the pleasure of having some really great friends in my life! I was thinking over this weekend about how truly blessed I am. Some friends, I don't speak to everyday, but when we do; we pick up where we left off like there was no break. Over the years, I've learned that some people need long gaps between conversations, and is not beholden to speaking everyday. For them, speaking everyday disrupts their vibe; they need their space, but trust and believe me, when you need them they are there to back you up! But, I'll admit, I've misinterpreted some friendships. I thought that those people cared in return for me, and I was consistently and constantly let down. How many times have you misinterpreted your friendships with people? Were you giving more to the friendship than your friends? At the end of the day, I'm happy to keep those people at arm's length, and let the likes and hearts on social media be the closest they get to me. Funny, would you agree, it's quite ridiculous to be friends with someone and have their personal contact information, but they never actually reach out to you or ignore your attempts to talk over the phone? Conversely, it's quite easy to get a like from those same people on social media. Kind of weird and creepy! Get your life! 😳🙄These people are your associates, and it's important to know the difference between your true friends and associates.
As I close, realize your truest friendships isn't just about how those friends support you, but more importantly how you're supporting and encouraging them too. Are you their cheerleader when they accomplish their short and long term goals? Are you there when their other "so-called" friends leaves them hanging? What kind of friend are you, a true friend or an associate? Think about it and move accordingly. Have a wonderful day!
Peace and Happy #MondayMotivation!
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